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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

File: 1525870481781.jpg (36.33 KB, 597x599, giraffe-tattoo-neck.jpg)


What do they symbolize? How are they used in pictures or movies? Do they invoke a certain kind of feeling in you? Tell me whatever you've picked up about them in terms of metaphorical usage. I've stumbled across depictions of them in some places (wired & tube) and it appeared to me kind of weird, so I hope that you could give me at least a vague idea what they're about. To make it clear: This isn't about the creature itself, this thread is about how the giraffe is used as a symbol, maybe to trigger certain emotions.


In furry porn, giraffes are associated with the account of deepthroating. For obvious reasons.
I am sorry I cannot help you any further, OP.



Personally, might invoke in me the feeling that they see far ahead of us. They can anticipate most things.


They can reach higher than other animals while still standing on the ground. This implies a link between earth and heaven, man and God.


Giraffes have a bit of a royal air about them. They always look down on me.


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I bet you're real proud of yourself

I think giraffes are the clearest example of evolution, and this is reinforced by schools when teaching Darwinism and Lamarckism. For me, this is the strongest symbolism specific to giraffes.

This is a very interesting question OP.


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Though they seem to be all chill in movement, their appearance give me a faint feeling of terror. With those long legs giraffes are like spider versions of horses. Imagine walking at dusk and suddenly there is a long-necked creature staring at you from behind the bushes!


The giraffe is one of only two living genera of the family Giraffidae in the order Artiodactyla, the other being the okapi. This is a symbol that they are special, but have few close relations.


The giraffe is one of only two living genera of the family Giraffidae in the order Artiodactyla, the other being the okapi. This is a symbol that they are special, but have few close relations.


They make the reach for what they want, even though it may be out of reach for others.
triumph over a problem, maybe?


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Giraffes are known to be attracted to stage plays.


I think their body structure is just so alien compared to most other animals and this makes them unique. It also helps they are herbivores, making them non-threatening but beautiful and divine. And if you want to have some more liberal analysis you could try and reach deep and say something about how the giraffes long neck elevates it above others or something, but ultimately I think most people are drawn towards it for it's unique features and height.


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