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So back in the hayday of 8chan there was this board called /32/ that was devoted to the research of psychopolitics and psychological warfare. One thing the board was always lacking in is research into its technique and application. Is there anyone else here that has thought about this beyond just identifying it? How hard would it be to subvert people?

Just food for thought.


>research into its technique and application


What in the hell does this have to do with /pol/?


The /32/ board mentioned in the OP is a /pol/ hideout where they "research" "meme magic."


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That sounds very interesting OP…


im pretty sure /pol/, reddit, twitter, and facebook have been the ultimate test beds for psychopolitics. I dont think 4chan can be considered obscure anymore when the politics, technology and television boards absolutely have social manipulators at work on them.

I always thought it was bizzare that the /pol/ hivemind was willing to believe in psychopolitics but refuse to beleive their secret club is effected by it.


Now there's a name I haven't heard in a while. At least it still exists.


>but refuse to beleive their secret club is effected by it.

t. someone who's never actually been on /pol/

4chan's /pol/ is absolutely rife with attacks, none stop, rapid fire. I'd say 80% or more on a slow day is counter propaganda to stop any kind of organization or consensus. In comparison, the much slower 8ch /pol/ is far less prolific in mainstream media and thus subject to far less abuse by D&C campaigns. They're also far more zealous in enforcement of National Socialist politics, rather than 4chan which is just sort of something right of center, throw a dart. Its the inability to decipher legitimate posts from attacks which has led to this climate on 4chan's pol. Through a kind of rapid evolution, attacks against 4/pol/ have selected for traits in which the attacks cannot be told apart from the legit posts, lest they be derezzed and the attack be ineffectual.

An example might be, "What does pol think of Asians?" + low effort image. This incites attacks from oldfags who claim it as bait. The OP changes IP and calls them D&C for dissuading conversation. A third party enters into a soykafshow completely irrelevant to the OP. Repeat ad infinitum in combination with 20 other posters and you can block absolutely any constructive conversation from occurring.

I personally see 4/pol/ as nothing other than a blunt force instrument to undermine main stream media campaigns. D&C campaigns, like I said earlier, must appear legitimate. So a D&Cer still has to create threads that fit the accepted narrative of 'fuck CNN my dude' but they can put up purposely weak arguments, soykafty infographics, bad sources etc. It undermines the undermining of MSM.

or maybe I'm just reading into it too much.


You don't go to /pol/ to understand it.
You browse other boards and are bombarded by their soykaf to understand it. The lack of self-awerness is severe; information is not thought and processed but directly consumed.


I ask out of sincere ignorance as I haven't been lurking there in years. How is /tv/ affected by this phenomenon? Do you mean industry street teaming type stuff? Because I suspected this at the time but I don't know that I'd classify it as "psychopolitics" so much as plain old fashioned spamming.



>4chan's /pol/ is absolutely rife with attacks, none stop, rapid fire. I'd say 80% or more on a slow day is counter propaganda

Never assume malice when simple ignorance is just as good a candidate. When has /pol/ unified around anything? What, trump? That unites entire segments of the country outside imageboards.

Constantly I see in these places chronic overestimation of just how valuable *chan communites are to "hurting the narrative" or whatever the bananas, when in reality they are a small koi in a big pond. Why devote so much energy to it? It's not like 8chan is any less "known" about than 4chan by this point, to the people that matter, and the government is more interested in small sects than they are in big ones specifically because - they tend to be more radical.

And that's what you're not understanding. 4chan is filled with noise not because of a dedicated effort, beyond perhaps a few angry Twitter bloggers banding together to "fight the racists", but because there's too many people on it. Smaller groups generate consensus, and that consensus turns to action. They are more dynamic than larger groups as a result.

>I personally see 4/pol/ as nothing other than a blunt force instrument

This is the real issue. You're suffering from post-Chanology complex. You think we can "change things" by anonymously posting our opinions like cowards.

What changes? Who changes? How? Why? Nothing changes. Look outside you. Your world is just as leftist and liberal as it was yesterday, if not more so.

Winning the election was a loss in disguise. All it did was bring a centrist pretending to be hard-right to power and tricked you all into thinking you could have legitimate influence by doing naught but business as usual.

No, if you want to change things, you get out there and change things not hide behind the fact that none of us are as cruel as all of is. Advance beyond 2008-tier thinking and reach toward reality. Because right now, all I'm seeing is a bunch of people disgruntled about the state things are but willing to do nothing but sit in their pens and post on their dedicated protest machines like every other twitter drone out there.

It's pathetic.


I think 90% of /pol/ posts are trollerific shenanigans and 95% of the people still posting there know this. Applying psychopolitics to a place no one takes seriously anymore sounds difficult though I suppose you might affect the odd 14 year old.

("Odd" having multiple meanings in that sentence).


The thing is that the 5% of idiots who actually believe stuff posted on /pol/ or stormfront or whathaveyou are crazies and they are non-negligable.


memetic warfare. you can find it out some of the xxx type boards on h8chan as well as some stuff about sigint on /pdfs/

I remember seeing LOADS of cia and fbi threads with thousands of submissions for propaganda and psyche warfare


Jews ruling over Hollywood have been open secret since 1920-s, man.


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4chan's /pol/ is absolutely rife with attacks, none stop, rapid fire.
i'm not very active on /pol/ and pretty much the only threads i'm contributing are the "skyking" ones. if you don't know that term, it's a coded designation used by the USAF on certain HF broadcasts regarding their nuclear strike capabilities.

the first one or two general threads are usually going pretty well but then an army of shill enter the stage, derailing it to the point mods delete them and people drift away. but why doing this over a two-digit group of people listening to a radio channel? because they do what /pol/ on a good day does best: full force open source intelligence. watching military planes on online radars, same with battlesoykafs, compairing that information with public newsfeeds, checking messages for repeating patterns to extract meta information and then do the math.

i'm pretty sure aside from all the fashwave memes /pol/ could be REALLY dangerous and powerful, so they work on it to keep it down. of course journalists are dumb enough to eat up that narrative.


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Wow, when I posted this I had no idea I was going to draw in so much autistic screeching.

The board you are thinking of is /bmw/. The /32/ board was actually made before /pol/ was a board on 8chan (or at least before it was a popular board).

Your idiocy doesn't warrant much of a response, but I will say the following. Never assume ignorance when malice is clearly apparent.


Is it really apparent? /pol/ is a massive board, and flooding it with weak arguments and bait would be beyond difficult. It's a broad set of political outcasts, and it's not likely that a board of that size would have one-sided discussions.


Former 8/pol/ mod here, you have no idea how much shilling goes on there. For example, there used to be 2-3 posters that would act like total retards in one thread pretending to support NS, while in another they would try to post anarchist propaganda. The board required 24/7 attention to prevent people from flooding it. There were also people who would post all day every day across multiple threads about a single topic (for example: x celebrity is a secret tranny).

There are moments of true gold, for example the beaver poster. But they are getting rarer as the shilling intensifies.


First and foremost my mind is pretty scrambled at the moment but I figured I might as well post. So, sorry if this post is a bit jumbled.

I'm not sure about "research" in the sense of doing studies or whatnot, but I can tell you what sort of "psychopolitics" I've noticed, or at the very least, what is a sort of societal vulnerability, and not necessarily intentionally exploited.

-Things that I'd say matter with psychopolitics… Well. you can fabricate a problem, or take an already existing problem and make it seem like a big or new deal, and you just so happen to have the solution(lucky you!)
-Memes are a big deal; the average person seems to run off their first exposure to a thing.
-When one has an emotional connection to their country, that connection creates certain vulnerabilities, and basically Patriotism can be used to steer people, as they want to be part of something bigger (naturally).
-People love to be told they are smart, indirectly or otherwise, and inversely, no one wants to be made a fool of. You can trick someone by telling them they are being tricked, even if the proposed trick isn't even really based on anything.


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>How hard would it be to subvert people?
Not hard at all. Anime, of all things, is proof of that. Everywhere you go you will find people who are extremely argumentatively against it, to the point of hysteria and psychosis, as if it was the most important thing in the world. Despite them not having any kind of familiarity with it, and despite it not having any effect on their lives. They'll always repeat the same canned lines and predictable responses as if following instructions from some higher authority. Yet I'm sure there's no organization behind it all, and anime is obviously not an important topic. If it's this easy to get millions of people riled up and programmed to behave a certain way over anime, without even trying to do so, imagine what happens when you have intelligence agencies and political organizations pouring money and resources into influencing people over political and social issues (which they may or may not have manufactured themselves).


what this guy said, psychological subversion is incredibly common. on small scales it's basically a conversation tactic, on larger scales it has had massive effects on the way people think and act

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