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/psy/ - psychology and psychonautics

dreams. drgs. altered states of consciousness.

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Kalyx ######

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pic related is what i saw
the white arrows indicate motion, the slightly darker lines were rotating.
the two circles of black expanded with the intense light inside them expanding alongside.
i was not in REM sleep during this process, the time was 4:17am on the 30th Nov when i woke.
during the "dream" there was an intense sound of grinding bass, constant note, like played from a synth.
the light orbs kept expanding, i couldn't move a muscle and it felt like my heart stopped or i didn't have a body…
it was as if pure light was being poured into my eyes, and the darker outer ring around the light was darkness melting away
it looked sharper and more real than anything I've ever seen
my mind was totally clear, i knew for a fact that i was about to see something divine, i was terrified and ashamed
i kept thinking i wasn't ready and i don't deserve to see or i wasn't the one to be shown, something of the sort
it felt like god, like he was revealing himself or something else to me, but my fear wouldn't let it come
i woke but it was more like being released from a hold, the same sort of feeling abductees report when they are stuck in 'stasis' or something.

i hope you found this interesting and I'd be happy to hear any similar experiences or anything you can teach me about this sort of thing

tl;dr - had a visit from god and it felt realer than being alive


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Seriously though, the thing about dreams is that they're not just sights - they're sounds, smells, tastes, physical sensations and even emotions. You didn't meet God in a dream, you dreamt you met God.


as much as that sounds nice and cool, I suppose I must remain skeptical.

I dont personally take hallucinogens, or other strong weird mind altering drugs. But I have at times had strong hallucinations, and not just visual but auditory and olfactory and touch and taste. Obviously when I am sleeping, but when I am awake too.

While we cannot conclusively rule out the possibility that your vision was of divine or otherwise supernatural origin, it seems to me the description provided in the OP is easily explicable with any number of other causes, and not all of them are incompatible with an awake, sober, and aware observer.

What about this experience makes you feel it was divine, or is it just (as we often have in dreams), simple awareness of the situation?


No OP, I can't seem to remember you.


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because i chose to wake, if i stayed in that state it felt like i would have seen something that killed me, i had an intense feeling of dread.

& to the h8rs, i never explicitly stated i saw god, i said "i think" and that's the closest i came. i described what i felt, what i heard and most importantly what i saw in front of me, which was - as i said in the OP - clearer looking than what i see when i am awake.

its an interesting experience even if its just from a dream perspective. i could have posted about this anywhere, but i deliberately chose this place because its an area of a fringe website that has a dream topic. logic tells you that this means i want to know more about WTF happened to me (was it a seizure?? etc) than i want to make wild claims.


Sometimes its hard quite to tell 'it seemed like x' from 'I know with 100% certainty that it was x', I hope you do not feel too dismissed.

The extreme clarity sort of reminds me of somethings that I have seen while slightly oxygen deprived. Ive seen things that feel almost like rips in my vision where there is a space of pure white that lies behind the wallpaper that is the visible world.

Usually for me these pass very quickly, a few seconds at most, and I do not need to do anything to make them disperse. I also do not remember any accompanying audio, but its been a while and I may have forgotten.

On the topic of SADS, it just occurs to me something I saw regarding SIDS as being perhaps related usually, to oxygen deprivation ( as when people lay their young children to sleep in such a way that they may get tangled into covers or squished, and have their breathing restricted or blocked). Skimming the wikipedia article I dont see that emphasized, but I wonder more if that is perhaps what you were experiencing.

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