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/psy/ - psychology and psychonautics

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Kalyx ######

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Tried dabs a few days ago for the first time; it felt way closer to a lowkey lsd trip than smoking bud. I would definitely go as far as to describe the experience as a trip, not as getting high. Is this normal / what I can expect from dabs?


It really depends on the strength of your wax, what kind of bud it was made from, and your own tolerance. You'll find your second dabbing session will get you way more high, but you can build up a decent tolerance quickly. My natural tolerance is high though, so I can't really tell you exactly what you'll experience.
I used to dab a bit because smoking makes me cough and it's too hard to control the onset of edibles. I've since quit cannabis almost entirely though, and I only get high maybe twice a year.

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