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/psy/ - psychology and psychonautics

dreams. drgs. altered states of consciousness.

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

File: 1509225616287.jpg (94.1 KB, 799x674, 4610572_p0.jpg)


So, I just passed out from what is presumably vertigo, fell out of my chair and whacked the back of my head so hard on the floor that my eyes are pounding in their sockets. Since this is the board for altered states of consciousness, what does Alice have to say about treating severe headaches that make it hard to even think straight? Really don't want to go to sleep right now, but is there any other way to shake this?


Go see a doctor. randomly passing out is not healthy


Sounds like you just brained yourself, possible concussion and even internal bleeding if you did a really good job.

Go see a doctor.


OP here, I am a-ok now. I already have a parent with vertigo problems and after a severe cold the fluids in your ears become really susceptible to things like that. I had stretched, leaned my head back, and everything started spinning and fading before being awakened by a thud as I landed on the floor. It's textbook vertigo.

My head was pounding and I was a bit unsteady after hitting my head like that but an hour later my symptoms were all gone. I appreciate the advice, but I am fit as a fiddle now. No worries. On the bright side, I've been telling myself to try something new everyday. Now air know what severe vertigo can do to you

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