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dreams. drgs. altered states of consciousness.

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Kalyx ######

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How long have you gone without sleep? Mine was only 24 hours and it wasn't that bad. I just felt really energetic before passing out. When are you supposed to start hallucinating and is it worth it?


about 4 days, though I generally find myself staying up for 3 days at a time at least twice a month. the first 48 hours or so are a big hump, but after you tackle them you'll get a sort of rush where you won't feel too tired for a day, it's like a prolonged state of that energetic period you mentioned. I think I saw that sleep deprivation can be used as a way to fight depressive disorders, and I can see why. During those golden hours you feel pretty alright with the world, though I do tend to start seeing stuff in the corner of my eyes/get racing thoughts.

By the latter part of the 3rd day, and as I head into the 4th day I'll tend to get really sleepy, need to keep moving or else I'll start to grab microsleep, which really junks up your mental abilities after a few hours. At that point I'm getting paranoid and cranky as hell, so even if I'd plan to stay up longer, in the moment I just say fuck it and go to bed.


My max is around 60 hours without a second of sleep.
My theory of this sometimes blissful state is that you don't have energy to waste, so your brain doesn't feed you all the time with junk thoughts, so with the mechanical part of your brain less fed you experience the world and problems without interference.
I haven't hallucinated just from sleep deprivation, only with the mix of deprivation alcohol and/or drugs. To hallucinate probably you must be disoriented or have paranoid thoughts while you are many more hours awake than my max.


I think two days at most. Probably not even that, it's been nearly six years since I last tried staying up that late. I think I'll try again when I get some time off, hard to keep my mind occupied that long. Usually end up nodding off.


Sleep deprivation also causes depression so I'm not sure how that works


72 hours without sleep. Ended up in the mental ward because I botched an iq test on the 3rd day without sleep. Ended up hallucinating by feeling a constant connection to the wired. Almost killed myself by running into traffic. I genuinely believed I no longer needed a body and that I was no longer needed in this plane of existence.



You have bigger problems than sleep deprivation if that's how your mind reacts.

1: You have some kind of undiagnosed mental condition.
2: You're making soykaf up.

I have schizoaffective disorder. 72 hours awake is a regular occurrence for me every month. At no point am I so twisted that I'm running into traffic and thinking I am transcending to other states of consciousness

After 72 hours with no sleep and no medications the worst I get is mild visual and auditory distortions as well as mania.


Weird, I came here just for this topic. I was curious what you all do to cope with 3-4 hours of sleep per night. Alcohol, food, no food?




I get a pretty good amount of sleep but when i'm running low on zzzs I tend to have to eat about twice as much and work half as hard to be at the same level as if I just got sleep.

coffee and whiskey help even out the playing field.


Max is about 3 days for me. I feel like I'm drunk or something because I can't think well.

I've had a couple months of 3-4 hours of sleep when crunching hard on things before. It wasn't every night but the work was usually 80-100 hrs/wk and staying low on sleep seemed like an OK way to work at the time.

When you compound multiple days of low sleep you'll end up fucked so take it slow. On day 1 it'll probably be 80% of your normal work ability. Day 2 60%. Day 3-4 sleep needed or low productivity (no hard problem solving). After a few days just crash for half a day and go back at it.

I got used to it after a while and scheduled activities based on how much thinking it would involve. Too much sleep deprivation is OK for plug+chug work but hard stuff has to be done when you're fresh.

There's kind of a switch where you can sync with your body for how much sleep to get. If you know you're going hard you can brace yourself to deal with it. I don't if know others feel that but it's like a switch to force yourself awake. Like "I'm getting 3 hrs of sleep tonight, fuck you body" and you'll wake up 3 hrs later without an alarm. Kinda weird.

I wouldn't repeat again though… I made some mistakes and it ended up not being fun.


I tend to only get 4-5 hours of sleep a night, never really needed all that much, which probably contributes to how easy it is for me to stay up so long. Many times I've gone three days without sleep and didnt even realize untill I see the sun rise and realize its the third one in a row I've seen without sleeping in between, and when I tried to test my limits I passed out after the end of the 5th day. The 4th-5th day I start getting a weird, vaguely paranoid mindset where I sometimes hear voices, but they are easily distinguishable from reality so Im not bothered by it. Only the times I hit that fifth day have I experienced any sort of visual hallucination, and its usually patterns moving and shifting into something on my walls/tapestries/posters. I thing that experiencing the limits of sleep deprivation is something everyone should experience atleast once just so they know their limits and what happens when they reach it.


Five or six days, somewhere beyond 120 hours. Used a large quantity of mephedrone, was an addict at the time.

Don't do it, those hallucinations that start out as spiders start to fuck with your peripheral vision and if you're unfortunate enough to end up outside what was once spiders is now shadow people everywhere. Obviously it doesn't take a genius to figure out why these two side effects working off each other are a bad thing.


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I've gone about 5 days, got pretty cool because I have this blanket I hang on a wall and stare at, by day 4 this thing was visually 3D, similar to an N,N-DMT trip but not as strong, 5-MeO-DMT was an entirely different experience with the lines transcending the blanket and covering my perceived reality, but the body high was so uncomfortable. Sleep deprived and on N,N-DMT some elements pop out while others are more recessed into the image. I forget what the shrooms experience and MXE experience were like. LSD experience wasn't too different, probably similar to the N,N-DMT trip but I don't remember that one either, it's been almost 2 years since I've "gone to church". Got the blanket at a festival for $100, didn't think it was worth it at the time but my friends locked my shoes and jacket in the car and it was cold as fuck. After smoking DMT and looking at it, this became my favorite souvenir from a festival. I highly encourage you to pick one up and trip with it or get sleep deprived to enjoy it, lots of details aren't realized until you are hallucinating a bit. My buddy says there's a lot of cat faces in it.

Anyways, I have a different tapestry behind my monitor covering a window and I look up at it to tell whether or not I need to sleep based off of how significant the water ripple effect is. Typically I can achieve some degree of hallucination after 24 hours, but the good soykaf comes with a few days. As someone mentioned in this thread, I used adderall (amphetamines) to stay up 5 days and it was actually to study.


>>513 replying to >>497
Yeah, peripheral vision was one of the downsides, I have a bunch of cables between my keyboard and monitor so I kept seeing something move there and the house I had just moved into had some fruit fly issue and they came to my room to bother me, eventually I wasn't sure if they were real or if it was a hallucination but they kept bothering me all 5 days, when I slept and woke up I didn't have any issues with the fruit flies anymore. So, they could have gone away after day 1 and I could have just been fucking with myself for 4 more days thinking they were still bothering me.

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