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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

File: 1506670199970.jpg (101.55 KB, 530x530, dermatophagia__dermatillom….jpg)


I have struggled with this my whole life more or less. I did not know that others did this or that it had a name until very recently. I confided that I was suffering from this to a friend online and they said that they knew a few other women that had the same issue. Has anyone else struggled with this? It is getting really severe and I am too ashamed to talk about it to anyone in real life, but it is making it very painful to type on the computer so I know I really need help.


yep, that's me too. it sucks because it makes me feel like I'm insane because I can't even control my own hands. I've done it since I was in elementary school when I would compulsively pick my scalp, sometimes even until it bled. During adolescence I had acne and it transferred to using that. Even after curing most of my real acne, the behavior still crops up almost every day, even on days I thought I wouldn't have to do it.

To others it might seem strange or trivial but it totally disrupts your sense of autonomy and can induce depersonalization, besides just regular low self-esteem.

Regular therapy and anxiety meds have never helped me with it. All my own mind-hacks and tricks have fallen apart after a while.




Only time my fingers looked good in the past 10+ years was when I played an online game for a couple of weeks straight. (Warframe to be specific)

I don't know how to fix this, most times I can stop when a finger starts bleeding. Try picking at other things on your body but that won't really improve anything.

I'd preach about looking into yourself and searching for the root cause of the stress or whatever, but I'm sure you've thought about this already. It's been easier since I stopped caring how it looks or how other people might feel about it. Actually I stopped caring about a lot of things, but I don't think that's a good idea, although stress has never been lower.


Are there any that allow you to continue typing?


of course. very easy to find. take the tightest and thinnest.


polyethylene gloves come to mind
and golf gloves (you can get cheap ones from walmart)


i do this a lot, i bite my fingers and the inside of my mouth. the inside of my mouth usually starts bleeding and i play around with the blood for a while, sucking the blood out of my cheeks and letting it flow on my tongue. i don't have any mental disorders and i'm not on any meds. i really don't know how to stop myself from doing this.


Try to impregnate your fingers with a substance that's unbearably bitter. If you punish the behavior, it will most likely go away, but you'll probably acquire some other behavior that serves the same purpose.



not everyone can taste bitter

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