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/psy/ - psychology and psychonautics

dreams. drgs. altered states of consciousness.

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Kalyx ######

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I've read that others here sometimes experience dreams in the third person so I know I'm not alone in that, but with this I'm not so sure: on occasion I will be someone else in my dreams. Sometimes I will just be a generic person of different ages, genders, and races, but other times I find myself in the mind/body of a known public figure. For example I was once dreaming as President George W. Bush, a very humanizing and interesting experience considering I am a liberal female in real life. I'm sure there are others I have been as well, but none immediately come to mind. I wonder if anyone else experiences this anomaly.


All the time, but generally it's a character as opposed to a public figure, and over the course of the dream the character I'm acting out just becomes me


The other night this happened. I can't remember if it was the first time or not but it was certainly interesting.

It seemed to take place during WWII, though there was no indication of war. I was a boxer in line to challenge or train. I got up to a mirror and saw wanted poster with what looked like Alan Turing's face on it instead of even my own head. I got a call in the dream from a cell phone and the caller said "Aye yo fuck you, Mr. Miyagi" in some kind of New York/ Boston accent. Woke up after that.

Wonder what the hell that was about. I wasn't me, though.

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