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/psy/ - psychology and psychonautics

dreams. drgs. altered states of consciousness.

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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When something is bothering me I'll start having nightly dreams about hypotheticals. They are always a negative outcome though. Why is this? It really really makes my day soykafty when I wake up.


I'm not sure, but it happens to me too. I think it's related to anxiety causing bad dreams, honestly. I've also read some old study on dreams being a "cleansing mechanism" for your brain by which harmful configurations of neurons / thoughts can be rearranged, I'm not sure if there's a parallel here but it's something I've been thinking of.
I also felt sometimes like the need to resolve something was keeping me from sleeping comfortably (like the idea that I shouldn't be sleeping). Generally I fixate on annoyances and stop taking care of myself because of them.


probably a matter of stressed-out hormones

i just end up with inventive nightmares; things like

well, last night, had bits of my face just turn to mush and fall away, and could see down inside to a bunch of churning teeth and organs and things.

or the urgent need to hide because some people going to come and rob the hotel room you're in and kill you if they find you. never show up, but the freak-out of waiting.

or i guess just the ordinary "co-worker spontaneously slashes you up with a knife and murders your boyfriend while other people watch"

hmm, maybe try to get some calming tunes when you're feeling stressed and then, when you're trying to fall asleep, listen to something. an audiobook or a podcast; something with people talking. lay back in your bed and fill your head with other peoples' conversations and stories and you'll end up thinking about those and not about your worrying and fretting

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