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/psy/ - psychology and psychonautics

dreams. drgs. altered states of consciousness.

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Kalyx ######

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Anyone else listen to ambient noise when they sleep?

My Favorite to sleep to is
It knocks me out flat.

I also have a habit of "imagine when before sleep". Like pretending I am hiding aboard a ship, street side etc.

Anyone else do that?


yeah I do, I love what hardwiredghost created. All those soundscapes are amazing. Its a shame that they dont upload anymore. Anyway, I usually listen to some sort of raining sounds mixed with the hum of my computer.


>of "imagining before sleep"


cheers ill check them out


Mostly just the ringing of my ears and the air conditioner when it gets hot. My brain likes to play music for me and it sorta tunes out the ringing. Never really thought about listening to other things though. How much does it help you?


i like to wrap myself up very tightly in my blanket and pretend i am a sniper lining up my shot, or, like you said, hiding from someone/something in a dangerous situation. sometimes i listen to stuff like as well


do you mean like binaural beats or something audio drugs(istoner) ? i find it fantastic not really for the drugs or anything but to help me lucid dream or astral project.. .


Can you (or anyone really) share your experience? I couldn't get binaurals to do any effect on me. I've been lucid dreaming for some months but now I stopped having them nearly as often so I'm interested in trying binaural tunes.


God knows I cant get any of that soykaf to work either


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Lull - Continue

One of my all time favorite dark ambient albums.


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