Make sure your alarm clock is within reach if you use one. Also place your dream diary and pen within reaching distance. The closer the better and preferably in front of where you'll be facing. Remain still upon first waking. If you're lying on your side, stay on your side. If you accidentally rolled over, roll back to your original waking position. Stay calm. Don't try too hard. Just wait to recall your dream. If you do, then and only then reach for your dream diary. Immediately write down details as they are recollected. Don't try to make it a coherent chronological story. Just write out details as quickly as you remember them. You can revise your notes later. I'm not sure exactly why, but recording your dreams dramatically increases dream recall. This phenomenon has been documented quite a bit. Good luck lain!
Eat some cheese before bed ; chedder works best in my experience.
Not even meming, its the tryptophan, has notable effects.
turkey meat might help.
melatonin supplements helped me dream.
Do you set an alarm or do you wake naturally? Do you suffer from insomnia or hypersomnia? We could probably be more helpful if we knew more about your relationship with sleep in general.
>>156seconding turkey for tryptophan. 5-HTP supplements work too. Tryptophan -> 5HTP/5HT2P -> serotonin is the rough digestion breakdown IIRC
melatonin always gave me too-lucid dreams (e.g. vivid nightmares with all five senses and self-control) so I dunno that I'd recommend that route
sufficient amounts of sleep will also make a huge difference, though I dunno how oversleeping changes things