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Kalyx ######

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Do you know any books similar to The Little Schemer and the other "Little" books? Similar in format, with the questions and answers structure. The topic can be anything, it doesn't have to be about programming.


There's "The Little ML'er" which is, as you can probably guess, a book on ML in the same style as The Little Schemer (with the same authors).


There's also "A Little Java, a Few Patterns" by them, which is a rather refreshing look at Java.


The Haskell book by Chris Allen is very conversational like that, but not to the extreme that the little schemer books take it to. I would highly recommend Seasoned and Reasoned Schemer if you are interested in that kind of thing.

Also Essentials of programming languages by the same author does a similar project- as you go structure to teach programming language design/fundamentals. It is basically like little schemer but the projects in each chapter that he walks you through are designing toy interpreters with different types of features in each chapter. By the end of it you have designed a bunch of different language constrcutrs in scheme.


I'll check the Haskell book out, thanks. I've read the other "little books" and EoPL also, but I'm not looking for good programming books, but books that follow the format of The Little Schemer.



You mean like literally the alternating page stucture itself? huh that is a weird request. The Raymond Smullyan logic/combinatorics puzzle books all follow a similar format conversationally with little problems that inch upwards, but the answers and explanations are deferred to the end of each chapter. But is has a similar tone. To Mock a Mockingbird is the one I would recommend, it is about SKI combinator calculus stuff but with a interesting bird analogy.

The Little series is honestly doing a very unique thing pedagogically, I would be surprised to see many reocmmendations of similar things.


It doesn't have to be the exact same layout, I just like the question-answer format. For example here is a book that is similar, but uses a "choose your own adventure" format instead:

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