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Kalyx ######

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It's strange seeing this hasn't been knocked out the bounty. Lets give thoughts, questions, critiques, and rants a chance! We are in this board together, so what made the show so good to you? As long as it relates to the show directly (Including behind the scene stuff, cosplays, games, etc) post it here.


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The aspect of the show that's always impressed me the most is how the production team, despite working in the late 1990s, absolutely nailed the online culture of the late 2010s. They knew exactly what normal people in real life would do with affordable advanced always-online pocket phone-computers: they'd endlessly gossip. It's a worldbuilding decision that's so prescient that it borders on outright clairvoyance.

I'm also impressed by the foresight of the production team in avoiding dating the show too much. Exact specs of computers aren't listed. Instead, they're only given a relative comparison to other computers in the show. For example, delivery-dude doesn't give an infodump on the CPU and RAM of Lain's new machine, he only says that it's a top-of-the-line model and that he's jealous. It's excellent scriptwriting.

(Granted, Lain's dad and that MIB boss dude have machines in what are clearly mid-1990's style cases and old CRTs, but the former might actually like using retro monitors and retro cases with contemporary components, and the latter explicitly states that he's got no interest in jumping to a newer machine.)


I have a problem with the way some people see Lain as cute.
I don't think she looks cute, was supposed to be cute in her world nor that was created to be thought as cute. Yet i've seen an incresing number of people calling her nonetheless, usually to weight down the show.
The character design clearly looks odd and outside the norm for anime but not too much, from memory the only anime-esque people in the show is the Professor Hodgeson and Nezumi; the professor to me looks different because they couldn't draw a western in the same style and Nezumi more because of his clothing and manerism and half of his face being covered.


Let's fix my typos and poor writing.
I don't think she looks cute, was supposed to be cute in her world nor was created to be thought as cute. Yet i've seen an incresing number of people saying it nonetheless, usually to weight down the show.


Would have to go watch this show again. It's so long and I was so young. Wonder if I can fill in the mysterious and strangeness I felt a while back now.



You ever thought that perhaps they think most anyone not repulsive is in some degree cute?

It's not really all that significant a thing or that stringent a filter.


It wasn't that hard for adults in that era to know how people would act online when advancements would allow more people to connect to one another once they had computers themselves. People were already gossiping and saying awful things about others.


You have a problem with that? I mean, even apart from the fact that I agree with them it's just a strange and unnecessary thing to issue with


All right, i expressed myself wrongly.
Puzzled is the word i was looking for.
>You ever thought that perhaps they think most anyone not repulsive is in some degree cute?
No, that does't make sense. Why would anyone think like that?
Maybe the problem here is our definition or mental image of cute.
Do you think she is cute?
Was supposed to be cute in her world?
Was created to be thought as cute?
Please help me understand. Again, it is not a problem for me but when i see it i just think "why?" and never thought of an answer to this.

I probably sound weird but i'm trying to improve expressing myself, bear with me.


I don't think people find her "moe" but cute in a more endearing way, if that makes sense. She's a lost and confused little girl in an incredibly complex and seemingly hostile world, I'm pretty sure we are intended to feel this way. Maybe cute is not the best word but I can't think of anything better.


>I don't think people find her "moe" but cute in a more endearing way
That makes sense when exclude the times people called her cute without brewing soykaf. Nice.
>She's a lost and confused little girl in an incredibly complex and seemingly hostile world, I'm pretty sure we are intended to feel this way.
I agree, she is the most child-like person in there and the one afflicted by problems that, even though are common in adults, are expected to affect children. Or maybe she is the beacon againts of those problems that are hidden in the others.

>Her childness is what makes you want to be there for her and watch the situation progress in a way that makes her happy, that she finds the answer to her troubles is what the word 'cute' is trying to encompass.

Is this the correct interpretation?


1699 here. The answer to all three of those questions is undoubtedly "yes"


I'm probably going to have to re-watch it to see what I missed out on. Can somebody here explain what lain actually is? what i got from it was that she was a product of the wired that somehow managed to be a god.


Humanity's collective unconsciousness crossed with the wired when it was created. Eiri took a bit of it that was in the wired and gave it sentience in a 14 year old girl's body.

Or she's a program created through Schumann experimentation inside Protocol 7, but that's the boring answer that doesn't account for some of the things said in the show.


Suggestion to move this thread to her dedicated board.


Does anyone have the original french version of this interview ? I can't find it.

The english translation has a lot of grammar mistakes and that makes it a bit hard to understand properly, so I'd like to re-translate it.

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