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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

File: 1492712900696.jpg (43.97 KB, 600x399, 20120824_homemadekazoku-60….jpg)


What do you lains do for work? What are your future plans for income? I find myself at a crossroads as of late and I'm taking a great leap giving up the security of my current job to do something a little more spontaneous. It's certainly making me realize how tough it can be to truly budget and plan ahead since I had a guaranteed paycheck before. Let's exchange advice and become multi-million dollar lains.


I am currently in fulltime education, and do freelance fullstack web and programming on the side. It earns me a bit of extra pocketmoney which is nice. Next year I will continue working fulltime, probably still freelance programming.


I wouldn't normally post in this kind of thread, but this place needs all the posts it can get. I'm a hikkiNEET with no future living with my parents who dreams of hiring an odd jobs programmer to implement vichan for me.


I moved the thread from /r/ to /cult/. It seems to fit under the 'lifestyle' category.

Carry on.


what's the job your thinking of switching to?


I submitted an application to transition from active military service to a reserve component. I'd basically be working part-time while I go back to university to pursue a degree. So not a job per say, but definitely a lot more risk involved and possible debt to incur. I would be pursuing a cyber security related degree most likely (thanks to you lains).

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