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Kalyx ######

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The recordings from this year's FOSDEM are slowly being uploaded. There were so many interesting talks I don't even know where to start.

Let's have a thread for discussing the talks we watched!

Here's the website, the recordings are linked from the individual talk's pages:


File: 1517970721497.png (17.18 KB, 508x700, 1500580557863.png)

Weew there's a truckload of talks
Were all of them recorded ?


Yes, all of them were recorded, more than 600 talks of various lengths. You can track the state of the various videos here, as you can see only one talk has been lost so so far:

So far I've watched these:
The many ways of using Guix packages
This is an introduction to Guix, which is a functional package manager similar to Nix, written in Scheme. It presents some common use cases and a high level overview of how it works. Guix is really cool!

Tying software deployment to scientific workflows
This is another Guix talk, mainly aimed at high performance computing for scientific purposes. It shows how Guix can be used to tie together the many parts of the usual scientific computing workflows and how it could help with making research reproducible.

DIY Java Static Analysis
This is a very short talk about symbolic execution in Sonarqube. It was a bit of a disappointment because the topic is really interesting but he didn't have much time for it. It could have been much better if he went deeper into the details because the topic is very interesting.

JavaParser: where should we head?
I really liked this one. It's about a parser for Java, which doesn't sound that interesting at first. First he shows how to parse code with it and how you can also generate code using the same objects. It gets exciting when he starts talking about how you can also query the source code with it, using the Java streams API. You can get a stream of classes/methods/whatever and then map, filter, etc. them, very cool! Combining it with the code generation you can also write nifty automatic refactoring. It's a cool tool and a good presentation.

Migrating code with SmaCC
This was about migrating code, which in this case means automatically translating from one programming language into another, for example from Delphi to C#. SmaCC is a parser generator in Smalltalk which has features to make this transformation easier. It can parse the source language, obviously, but it also has transformation rules and even some pattern matching on abstract syntax trees. The only thing I missed is some example of the whole development process because it's not clear from the talk how to actually do it.

Moldable analysis with Moose
This is awesome. Moose is a platform for analysing source code and quickly visualizing different aspects of it, built on top of Pharo (a Smalltalk variant). The talk shows two case studies, the first is about eliminating deprecated classes from a big Java project. It visualizes the deprecated classes, the classes that depend on them, then refine it to show how much they depend on them, etc., it's very cool. The other is some Javascript mess where they wanted to split a big project into two parts and had to figure out how can they actually do it, what needs to be changed and rewritten. Very cool tool and an exciting talk.

Parsing Posix [S]hell
This is a fun talk about parsing shell scripts. Turns out the language, despite being standardized, is a complete mess, where parsability can even depend on runtime results…

I'll post more when I finished watching them, there's a lot interesting ones.


Best part of FOSDEM in general was Nvidia vs AMD. Can fully relate to

"FOSDEM summary

NVIDIA: Nouveau developers discussing their limitations and struggles dealing with delayed drops of signed firmwares and features they are unable to support without Nvidia's help

AMD: actual AMD staff presenting their latest open source Vulkan driver, their committment to maintaining their drivers in the upstream kernel with day-one support for new products, and inviting the community to contribute"


That Nouveau talk was so sad.


Personally, best part of FOSDEM for me is n-gate's reactions on it.

Apart from that I'm interested in FPGA/CPLD/SoC talk, however there are no good tools on both free and commercial sides.


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