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/λ/ - programming

structure and interpretation of computer programs.

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Kalyx ######

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This may sound like the classic newbie-wants-to-do-something-really-hard, but I've been trying to study OS programming, cuz I would like to create my own. This is mostly for hobby purposes and because I feel that, by learning OS programming, I will be tackling down a lot of Computer Sciences topics and applying that knowledge.

I know some programming language (mainly Python) and I'm learning C right now. I noticed that my hardware knowledge is lacking, though.

Any recommendations you could give me for bibliographical sources? Thanks.

P.D: I've been lurking here for a while…


linux from scratch might be something to look into


I would recommend first looking into ASM DOS development, because you can mostly ignore the OS and interact direcly with the hardware. If you want to use protected mode making your Kernel multiboot compliant makes everything a bit faster. Also you need to learn Assembly, at least some bits need to be written in Assembly (and some parts are easier or need some ASM glue, like ISRs). The OSDev Wiki has quite good tutorials for beginners as well.

Operating Systems: Design and Implementation
The Indispensable PC Hardware Book


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