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/λ/ - programming

structure and interpretation of computer programs.

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Kalyx ######

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how do I into USB programming?


bump, im interested as well


Here is a great resource to start out with:


I'd say check out the osdev wiki. There should be something about USB drivers on there.



What do you guys want to do? Write Drivers? Send Data? Receive input from your own HW? Hack your things (e.g. with Wireshark)?

My first foray into USB was when I tried to connect a Nintendo NES Pad to the PC via Arduino. It's really easy and you get to write a simple driver that translates the 8 Buttons to Keyboard presses, which then can be used inside Emulators or wherever you want. This was many years ago though so I don't have that tutorial anymore, but this will teach you some of the basics.


One good project is a USB keyboard or mouse. You don't need very much of the standard to make it work so it is quite approachable.

I managed to get a working mouse just by wiresharking what my bytes my real mouse was sending and then copying that.


downlaod realterm
its a windows app but it allows you to watch and rewrite stuff thru usb. pretty fun if ua sk me. im sure theres other linux stuffs 2

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