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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

File: 1501282816709.png (12.7 KB, 256x256, BC_Logo_.png)


How do I rent servers anonymously? I have bitcoin but when I try to use Tor I get blocked for fraud.


Would Etherium or Safecoin meet your requirements?


Find one that won't block you and then route through that to sign up for a different service if you have particular needs.


I've tried four, all of them have blocked Tor. Then I bought fresh socks5 proxies and those were blocked too.


the issue is with the hosting provider blocking Tor/socks5 proxies not the currency.

If anyone knows a hosting provider that accepts bitcoin and doesn't block Tor let me know.


Sorry, I meant that etherium and SAFE Network are distributed systems that themselves are meant to act as computational platforms in and of themselves, where buying computation anonymously is built-in to the system.

I would think it's somewhat hard to find a virtual server host willing to take anonymous bitcoins, simply because in the case of legal action most hosts probably want someone to point to to show that they aren't simply renting the server from themselves.

…Would it be possible to use bitcoin and pay for a server from a phone with a prepaid SIM?


Tor is not the "only" mix network, OP. There are also other mix networks such as I2P, GNUnet etc. You might want to look into those, they are not as popular as Tor but still they might help you in the process.

As an alternative choice, I would suggest using a public network via a throwaway device with a randomized MAC address to make the payment. Just make sure that the device is clean of any personally identifiable information and stay away from CCTVs as much as you can if your threat level is that high.


cockbox claims to support tor

The guy also hosts "anonymous" email but has been raided a few times before. So while you should be able to pay with BTC and use tor the servers might be seized by the fbi at some point while targeting someone other than you.


vc (the guy who owns is a cool guy and talks on the lainchan irc sometimes. He also responds to emails fairly often, so if you're interested in hosting he's not hard to reach.

The radio was on a cockbox at some point.


Monero, I2P you fucking skid


I don't know if you're trying to be retarded or what.
Most hosting providers don't accept bitcoin, much less Monero. I also mix my coins several times through various tumblers, so it's not a problem. I2P doesn't let you make connections to the clearnet, so there is no way for me to purchase servers through it.

I need more powerful servers than the ones he is offering.

I solved my problems by finding a Ukrainian host that doesn't use whcs, and who's fraud system doesn't pick up the sockets I have (connect from Tor to sockets with proxychains). I am about to buy some visa giftcards with bitcoin to purchase the servers.

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