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/λ/ - programming

structure and interpretation of computer programs.

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

File: 1499644503931.jpg (2.11 KB, 144x144, android.jpg)


Anybody have anything for getting started with android development? I've been looking for some good free courses but can't seem to find anything good or anything that isn't behind a paywall.


Whats a paywall Lain?



OP wants a course. The problem with courses and mobile development is that they'll be out of date within 2 years. Documentation is usually pretty good and intended to be 100% sufficient for people who are already programmers, so that's where I would recommend starting. Maybe a Youtube video for an environment and work flow set up if you've never used those heavyweight IDEs.


File: 1500658989333.jpg (112.33 KB, 640x640, kokoro.jpg)

not OP but would love to get a link to free youtube playlist or something for making android apps


Seconding this. Any decent material is appreciated.

Or should I find the latest books I can find and dive into them?


check the new boston youtube series on android


Are you interested in developing for Android or developing Android itself?

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