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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

File: 1492999697731.png (57.56 KB, 565x546, monokai-screenshot.png)


What syntax highlighting theme does lain use and why? I personally enjoy the aesthetic of Monokai, but also its ubiquitous presence on programming websites even when there are very few options available. The one I am presently using is called dark-monokai and, as such, it is slightly darker than is typical.


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My own, inherited from my terminal colors which I picked myself


File: 1493024032843.png (74.52 KB, 1072x653, seti_UI-with-1337-Color-Sc….png)

This is what I use in Sublime. Its a mix of Seti-UI and 1337 Color Scheme.

I think its very pleasing to the eye.


The colors are feasting on my eyes


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few filetypes in-vim for comparison

how do you read that at all?


I've been considering turning off syntax highlighting, thoughts?


I've never been that attached to syntax highlighting. It's nice being able to break up walls of symbols on your screen into something that feels like it has contours but I'm a bit take it or leave it. If whatever terminal I'm on just happens to do syntax highlighting it feels nice but otherwise I don't cry if it's not there.


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I mainly use moe-theme:
I love it but sadly it's not very widespread. As far as I know it's only available for emacs.


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File: 1495482019434-1.png (328.27 KB, 1808x1472, PythonScreenshot.png)

I found a pretty interesting scheme called SerialExperimentsLain.
It's pretty cool and fits well with Lainchan.


This is what I use as well. One petty thing I like about is it's an emacs theme first as apposed to most other themes which are ported over from somewhere else and have better support somewhere else

This is fun and colorful, I like it


>It's pretty cool and fits well with Lainchan.
I will consider this a feature suggestion. Noted. ^ ^;


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I made a similar one for intellij to try and capture the same aesthetic.


What colorscheme?


File: 1497295089330.gif (4.26 MB, 600x416, 687474703a2f2f64616e69656c….gif)

Scope highlighting here. Syntax highlighting is a glitterboy.


I tried turning syntax highlighting for two weeks. That was two years ago, and I haven't turned it back on yet. That's not entirely true, as I just have it off by default in vim and defined a shortcut to toggle it. No judgement to anyone who's attached to it, but if you're thinking about it, just give it a try for a couple of weeks.


I don't use syntax highlighting. Its too distracting. I find it to be one of those useless features like tab-completion. When I did use it however, I found that I wasted too much time fiddling with it and not actaully programming. As a bonus it allowed me to uninstall vim as that was the only vim exclusive vi feature I was using.


File: 1497848815265.png (229.71 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2017-06-19_01-0….png)

what do you think about minimal syntax highlighting?


>scope highlighting
This is amazing! How can I get this?


>syntax highlighting theme
You mean a color palette? Just black and white for me. Grey tones too so my terminal doesn't render soykaf weird.

Seems like it makes bad code easier and does nothing for good code. I used to be a huge fan of rainbow-parens though.

Check the plugins available for your favorite text editor. Try searching 'rainbow parentheses' too, just for good boy points.


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File: 1499889983608-1.png (244.09 KB, 1264x1384, 210231_12641384.png)

Using a custom colorset like many people here.
I have it working well in vim, but im trying out emacs with evil mode lately and have tried to port the colours but it's not where I would want it to be.


By far the best one.


Why does everyone here use a light on dark colour scheme?


File: 1501203970660.jpg (486.27 KB, 1425x1232, leet-haxxor.jpg)

Why do you think Lainchan itself uses a light-on-dark color scheme? It's because it gives off an impression of, shall we say, "dark technicality". It makes the place feel underground and secretive, and since light-on-dark is traditional for terminals, it makes things feel, well, "cyberpunky". I'm actually kind of surprised the default font on here isn't monospace.

Lainchan is a pretentious geek community with crypto-anarchist leanings. Heck, Kalyx himself calls himself "Dark_m00t". Of course its members are going to be using color schemes that make them feel like |_33+#/-\><><0|?z.


Easy on the eyes?

I dunno, I did like pastel theme on occasion on oldchan.


Good points but my name is Dark_M00t because moot is bae and I'm half black irl.



That is the one I use too in Sublime Text!

Everyone swears by but I need to keep it simple don't need all kinds of pre-compilers and stuff in my txt editor. I don't do enough css to need the sass add ons & stuff.


easier of the eyes at night without any real drawbacks

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