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Kalyx ######

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Any anons here know machine learning? Is it worth knowing or is it just hype? If it's worth knowing, what are some good resources to learn it?


File: 1498448724461.pdf (3.59 MB, Gavin Hackeling - Masterin….pdf)

Also interested. Will start this book soon.


Is this a good book? I'm doing the Machine Learning course on coursera but I don't like the videos and the lecture notes are not that good.


He hasn't read it and neither have I, but it passes the sniff test.


I finished the Machine Learning course on coursera but it wasn't that good. The lecture notes were cryptic and the exercises were more about translating mathematical formulas into Octave code than actually understanding what is going on.

Do you know any books that has good exercises? I tried looking at some but they all have very few or none.


Two of the best resources that I have found for machine learning are:
-this course on Udemy:
-and resource on the website

The course on Udemy costs 10$ American, but the instructor is fantastic and gives clear instruction and huge amounts of downloadable resources that make learning much more smooth. He also had some great achievements to show his worth, just check out the intro video (it's free to watch). The website Kaggle is a really good resource for getting datasets, but also can be a great resource for learning because many people post code in R and Python for machine learning.

Check out this contest to check out a great dataset and go through the comments for code and examples.

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