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/λ/ - programming

structure and interpretation of computer programs.

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

File: 1497741668921.png (37.04 KB, 256x223, lisp guy.png)


What would your ideal Lisp dialect include?
What kind of data structures would it have? What would the macro facilities be like? What misfeatures would it not have?


it would include only the lambda keyword.
functions would be the only datastructure. macros are a misfeature it would not have.


Does Lisp have too much mutable state?
Do Haskell's monads got you down?

Then try Unlambda! For the discerning Pure Functional Programming Elitist!
Features include:
+ Language-level support for combinators! Who needs
+ Only six primitives! That's 66% more elegant than McCarthy's Lisp!
+ Pre-obfuscated! Don't worry about ingrates not appreciating your pure functional genius; even YOU won't be able to read it!



Scheme is already pretty close to my ideal, it just needs a bigger ecosystem.


File: 1499624494129.jpg (85.48 KB, 450x583, thumb-395275-450x583-ab11c….jpg)

well I like me some gosh darn clojure, but Id like it if we could eck out some more performance out of the JVM. Also I am just learning clojure so I havent found out how to get lein give me an executable or something that I can deploy.

Side note, just getting back on lainchan after 2 years and I found .jp so fuck you bastards for hiding from me. (pic unrelated)


I'm getting more into racket now, having convinced the people at my job that it will be an effective tool. I used it before of course but for totally different things. I used to make things like sudoku-solvers, simple-AI's, brainfuck interpreters etc. Now I need to do things like subprocess communication, connecting to remote servers, a lot of input validation (often using regex, but sometimes by calling other programs) and a lot of text processing so it's a bit different. I must say I like it a lot. It's like scheme but with a bigger standard library. I found this to make it a bit unappealing because minimalism if one of the nice things about scheme; but for a regular job it's a lot better.

I do not like the syntax now and then though. For example, when you have a function which has an argument that defaults to something and you want to override this you get a call like (myfunction #:usually-default my-actual-argument). And for regex you have the prefix #re I believe; a bit weird.


I honestly get really overwelmed by a lot of the library stuff in Common Lisp, it becomes really unweildly and unreadable very quickly. Scheme is much nicer in many respects for keeping track of what is going on. But I don't really think that any of these dialects are really ideal at this point.

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