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/λ/ - programming

structure and interpretation of computer programs.

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

File: 1567257149844.jpg (872.45 KB, 2089x1436, cyberpunk-Tokyo-Japan-rain….jpg)


I've been working with C around 6 years now, purely learned it through Quake 3 Engine. But it is kinda getting weird, companies like Discord don't provide official WebAPI libraries for C instead they rely on unofficial implementations, why is that so?


I don't think many people are writing C programs that interact with WebAPIs these days. I suspect if it was a commonly requested library they would eventually release one, but it takes time and money to write, maintain and document these so they are probably shooting for more "web-friendly" languages like JavaScript (for nodejs), Ruby and Python.

Did you actually never learn any other languages apart from C?


No, but that's not a problem. I've been planning on learning more languages. The problem just is that the game i work on is written in C and embedding any other language/script also requires implementation, which i wanna avoid in all cases.

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