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Kalyx ######

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There seem to be almost as many HTML/CSS frameworks as there are JavaScript ones these days. If one wants to make sure that their framework will continue to be developed and supported five or ten years from how, do we really have any choices beyond Bootstrap or Framework? I am also curious what others here prefer in general. I like the idea of a semantic framework like Skeleton or Semantic UI, but I'm not ready to commit to any quite yet.


I'm not a web developer, but when I needed to make webpages look respectable, I've used PureCSS:

It's small and simple, but I have no idea how it compares to other frameworks.


I've yet to feel the need for any framework, I'm happy to do it all from scratch, especially since I tend to need different stuff for different projects anyways.
I've used bootstrap in the past, when I just started webdev, but only really for the button/menubar styling.
A useful thing I could see is just some uniform form styling framework, so it looks the same in all browsers


as a novice, web development seems to have soo much soykaff to keep track off. theres a new buzzword every week.


I'm pretty happy to use , it's a good choice.

Try it and feedback us.


Why use any?


>I've yet to feel the need for any framework
Same, writing HTML by hand doesn't feel difficult so far, and as a side effect, the HTML also becomes very easy to read. I can read my own webpages and render them in my head, and I'm sure other people could too.
Out of curiosity, does anyone here use XHTML? What's it like from your own personal usage and experience? I've only been using HTML so far.

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