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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

File: 1558541196045.png (76.36 KB, 220x220, 22885508.png)


I the need to create an imageboard of my own started when I found the source code for Futallaby. I and decided to try and set it up. I made my own imageboard with it but soon found out that using software that was last updated in 2004 is a terrible idea. So I soon found vichan.

I tried to follow the setup for vichan on the github but it wasn't very helpful.
Does anyone here have any experience with setting vichan up?


don't use vichan, it's garbage.

Use literally any other imageboard software.


The only other option that isn’t abandon ware is lynxchan and it’s a nodejs application. I’m looking for a php based board


vichan is also abandonware.


What else is there to use then?


like, I guess you could stand up the lainchan source if you really wanted to. It's a huge pain in the ass though, and vichan is one of the most poorly written pieces of software I have ever seen in my life.


I think I’m just gonna learn node and use Lynxchab


Vichan sucks and is overrated…



This is the most commonly used fork of vichan still being maintained as far as I know:


everyone here is saying that vichan is soykaf – why? genuinely curious, i'm a noob with this stuff.

i actually got it set up yesterday, OP. it was challenging because I've never worked with PHP or mySQL, but it was a good learning experience.
the github is pretty barebones and not super helpful. I had to get an outside source to help me.
what are you working with?


Did you run into any problems with /var/www/html/ permissions?


I think you should give up.


Do you still need help?


i need help, but not with vichan exactly, but a more up to date version, infinity to be exact, but the librechan port
pls halp


its kino nite

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