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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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How would you guys rate this Computer Science undergrad degree?

sorry for asking here but it seems like this is the board closest to CS


I skimmed the program and the topics of the core courses and it seems fine. You should ask people attending how's the actual instruction.


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answers seem to mostly whittle down to 'it's alright but it's more of an applied course, with alot less opportunities to go into the more experimental areas'


That's not necessary a bad thing. Do you just want a BSc and then start working?


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i suppose so, i'm having to accept that i'm not that smart to go all in grinding for a phd and hoping that i somehow get grants

i am however, okay with doing a bsc since it'll at least give me a start to make money, which i could use to at least appreciate the whole process.

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