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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

File: 1553618207156.jpg (22.71 KB, 1100x618, 534824-istock-542172632.jpg)


I fucking hate google, Bing, Yandex, even Duck duck go their search results are utter soykaf.
I want to create a piece of software that allows me to further filter search results. I'm thinking probably duck duck go or Yandex, I want to start with just allowing for the blacklisting of certain sites from the results.
I'm new too programming, l know some python; can I create what I'm talking about with that? if not what do I need to know? Thanks for the help.


Sounds like you want to make a metasearch engine for your own personal use. Python should work pretty well: I haven't' tried them but it looks like the web libraries for it are easy enough to deal with. Search engines obviously don't want you scraping a ton of data from them, but if you're only making this for your own manual searches, then I doubt you'd hit the rate limit much faster than just using their website normally. If you do, it seems that some search engines, or at least Google, also offer search APIs with slightly higher search-per-hour limits than web scraping.


Thanks, it might be awhile but if i create something ill share it.


The easiest is probably to modify their result page with userscripts, something like this: (It's very outdated, probably won't work.)


alternatively could maybe run something on top of, or extending for example searx.

I havent much done with myself but I know it outputs easily into json format, and can collect and format together results from several major search sites, so it probably already has much of what you'd want to do, done.


Searx might be what you are looking for

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