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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

File: 1538427934442.gif (1.09 MB, 972x1000, lainCOMP_FIN2.gif)


any news about lainOS?


File: 1538428476199.png (326.4 KB, 1539x1329, 1537406690415.png)

I read that it's an open source project, so- where is it, what would we do with it, etc- if it were finished?


the guy stopped working on it



Is there a link to the repository anywhere in case someone else wanted to pick up where they left off?



go for it. but honestly its probably going to be a fair amount of work to update it. Might as well make your own distro from scratch than decipher what all was going on in a 6 year-dead project and update it.

Just my take.

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