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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

File: 1537016257951.jpg (283.38 KB, 1000x1250, yanjun-cheng-20171126licia….jpg)


Lets share our projects, help and learn together while contributing eachother's projects. This is what a community should do, right?

I only know Python so far, i m willing to help if i can and would be appreciated if anyone help with this project.


I can't see it, it wants me to log in.


Working on a portable computer that can simplify democracy and also one day be a libre smartphone.


>I know python
Congratulations on learning a beginner's scripting language. Come back when you learn C.
>lol guise look
>expects me to click his phishing link
>no description provided
>I click it anyway
>Atlassian Inc.
>JavaScript is disabled
>Microsoft Inc.
You seem to have a website and domain. Care to host your own git repository and documentation? Do you even have a backup? You know, a corporation can put down your project any time.
Now it's interesting.
How do you implement secret voting?


Why so hostile? Not nice.


>>1351 has been working on getting voting implemented on the blockchain (assumably using something like zk-starks so you can verify your vote went through and to the candidate\bill of your choosing without anyone being able to see who\what you voted for)

after we get the hardware out of beta we're going to focus on making boycotting very simple where you can type in the name of a conglomerate you want to boycott and it'll lists all the products\companies it owns. I want to make it as simple as possible to find alternatives to the products you want without relying on the company\ingredient you are boycotting.

(I think simplifying boycotting is as important as simplifying voting and keeping track of your representative)


>Log in to continue to Bitbucket



I didnt know it would require that, is there privacy friendly site that i can share my work?


if you have access to a computer, one of the easiest ways is to self host. If you dont want your public IP revealed, or if you can't setup proper things with your routing, you can always setup a Tor hidden service very easily and host things there.

If you want git web hosting, cgit and stagit are popular and easy to setup for such things

alternately, maybe we should look at setting up again using something other than gitlab.


File: 1537234075950.jpg (42.62 KB, 465x465, artworks-000140896278-ew4u….jpg)

why dont you use github?

why shouldn't use gitlab?


github is part of ms, I assume many of us find that repulsive.

I dont have all the stuff recorded from the demise of, but I'm fairly certain the issue that lead to its closure was that gitlab consumed an inordinate amount of resources, which asked for a more expensive server than the community was willing to pay for. There are a lot of alternatives that are much lower weight, that could be considered if we start it up again.


I find mandatory javascript more repulsive. MS's ownership of GitHub is more of a concern to it's direct users, how they should register and maintain their code. Random people looking at it with concerns of privacy would use VPN or Tor to conceal their identity. You should definitely move away from Atlassian tho, that's just plain rude to require javascript on without any fallbacks or reduced navigation functionality.
Try gitlab or host your own git-to-web front end if you want to be taken seriously.


its of little concern to you downloading, it is of greater concern to our subject, the OP, who wishes for something 'privacy friendly'.


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Just to add to the cringe a bit, the UI isn't actually even their UI. It is pocket chip's ui with modifications. You can confirm it yourself here:

They haven't even cloned the source its just a deb file to install pocket home and then a config to override it. At the very least they could have made a script to wget it, dkpg -i the file, and then override the config.


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I would have helped if you hadn't have 404'd the project lmao.


git-ssb is a good alternative in hashtag cypherspace, runs off of node js but there's a serious effort in the community to port ssb to python and c


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we're building our own ui pocket-home is just for this alpha.


>social coding
cringe sounds



I think it is a good goal to build a better community. Good luck with your project.


I would like to restart this thread if possible, we should work to become a better programming community here. I feel like most of the time we work in isolation rather than helping each other.

It would be cool to test each others software.


I feel like most of the time we work in isolation rather than helping each other.

People are put off by the ridiculous policy of disallowing anonymous browsing of the gitlab page.

Proof that anonymous browsing is an option:

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