Greetings, fellow neophyte! 😃
I have a tiny little bit of experience in C, but a friend of mine recently had me read The Little Schemer, which has captured my soul. So, I'll be using Racket, instead. Racket is one hell of a language. It's got the flexibility and grace that the Lisps are famous for, to be sure, but it's also got a jungle of almost-identical constructs—I'm looking at you, for family! 😵 That said, it's been a really fun language to play around with, and once I'm a little more confident in my abilities I'm going to tear into the other libraries like a rack of baby-back ribs!
To demonstrate just how flexible Racket is, here's a handful of different ways to solve Problem 1.
#lang racket
(require math/number-theory)
;; Problem 1: Multiples of 3 and 5
;; Find the sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below 1000.
; Solution 0: Checks whether num is divisible by 3 or 5
(define (good-num? num)
(or (divides? 3 num)
(divides? 5 num)))
; Solution 1: Simple recursion. Needs to be called (sum-of-divisors1 (sub1 max)), else it'll include the max number in addition to the ones below it. 😥
(define (sum-of-divisors1 num)
[(zero? num) 0]
[(good-num? num) (+ num (sum-of-divisors1 (sub1 num)))]
[else (sum-of-divisors1 (sub1 num))]))
; Solution 2: Tail recursion. They say it runs way faster this way! 🎾💨
(define (sum-of-divisors2 max)
(define (sod sum num)
[(zero? num) sum]
[(good-num? num) (sod (+ sum num) (sub1 num))]
[else (sod sum (sub1 num))]))
(sod 0 (sub1 max)))
; Solution 3: Higher-order functions. This is probably the most ✨elegant✨ solution of the bunch!
(define (sum-of-divisors3 max)
(foldl + 0 (filter good-num? (range max))))
; Solution 4: For loop. There's a bunch of different versions of the for loop in Racket, and a bunch of them could've worked here, but I chose the simplest.
(define (sum-of-divisors-for max)
(for/sum ([number (range max)])
(if (good-num? number)
(Please don't copy my solutions! If you do, then you won't learn anything! Plus, I'll get really mad, and I'll keep being mad at you until you make up a new one! 😤)