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Kalyx ######

File: 1493634771349.gif (1.25 MB, 600x450, scan.gif)


Not sure if it belongs on this board, but I'm looking for some advice on scanning books.

Recently I ordered a book through the library that seemed to exist nowhere online or in a digital format. It was about 120 pages so I thought it might not be too difficult to scan the whole thing. It took about an hour with an overhead scanner, but I was able to get the book in a shoddy (but readable) pdf form. For added measure, I used Acrobat to crop some pages and sanitize the data, which took another half hour. So, what could I do differently? Do you have any experience with this process? What do you use?

>Scanners & Setups

I had access to an overhead scanner which seemed like it would be a bit speedier than a flat-bed scanner but some drawbacks were that sometimes my fingers are in the images, the page detection sometimes cause weird effects on the page, and there was generally a lower resolution.


Are there alternatives to pdf/adobe software? Is there any way of automating the page cropping, the page rotating, etc? How do I make the scan look "clean"?

>DRM & Sharing

If I were to post my scans, what measures should I take? How do I find the people/places that might want this book? Do I just send it off to libgen?

>Anything else?

Is OCR worth it?

In the process of writing this post I found a guide online (pic related) as well as some helpful discussions on the libgen forums. I'll keep lain updated on my experiments.


I too wish to know. I want to scan some books I bought, and release the scans online.
Alternatives to PDF, as far as I know so far, are PNG, JPG, and djvu


Did you just borrow an overhead scanner? Where can I look for one?

If it's not on libgen you should contribute, it's real easy, and I'm sure that for most people a shoddy version is better than none.

Also; can you share this guide you spoke of?
That technique seen in your attached image seems like it would make rotating/cropping etc easier due to the static nature of the pages and camera. Any edit done on one can be replicated exactly for every other one


File: 1493750668200.jpg (14.84 KB, 308x308, overhead.jpg)

The scanner was free to use at the local university library. I imagine a hacker-space or printshop might potentially have one as well.

I was too ashamed to post an instructables link in my first post on μ but here it is:


That guide was awesome, I need to try that myself.


Is OCR not soykaf anymore, I really don't get the hold up on this relatively simple AI. I guess it's mostly proprietary as well -_-


File: 1507733176911.jpg (151.63 KB, 500x375, scanner1.jpg)

For further various methods of book scanning with varying designs according to skills/money one should look here [0]



I use a basic ass HP scanner. It's annoying but it works, and don't need to stand there in the library for half an hour scanning.


use djvu. If you can only scan PDF's(which applies to most scanners), convert using pdf2djvu. PDF is not intended as a raster format, DJVU is designed specifically for scanned documents. This is what libgen recommends as well.

>DRM & Sharing

libgen is a good place to start. Probably also seed it on libgen once it gets included in a torrent.

>is OCR worth it?



> ocr

It's definitely worth it. You still need to read it through and spell/grammar check, but if you ocr first before you even begin reading, it's not as dry as read->ocr->read. GNU has an open source ocr if you don't care for freeware (; It's relatively easy to make your own too, if you're into that sort of thing:(

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