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русскоязычная киберпанк-доска.

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Kalyx ######

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This might be the wrong thread to post this but I am looking all recommended learning materials to learn Russian.
I went looking for other sites but this is the only site I know with an active Russian community.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Thank you.


I'm very curious, why do you want to learn Russian? I personally want to learn Chinese yet I didn't found the time yet.

I would recommend you going to local colleges/schools that offer language classes.


Do yourself a favor OP and pay some € for classes in a decent language school.
Russian is a really difficult language to dive in on your own (IMHO), so the insight you get from a good tutor is really valuable.


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wikipedia is not a bad resource if you know a bit of the terminology.

You don't have to listen to these people.
You don't need classes if you're motivated to learn.

You will need to practice it a lot.
I suggest you find music, movies, tv, &c. that you like in Russian.
Try reading stuff online with a dictionary to look up words once you know enough of the grammar.


1.Do leg and butt training exercises until you can do a full-footed squat easily.
2.Drink a LOT of Vodka (the pickle is important).
3.Buy sunflower seeds and eat them regularly.
5.You can now speak Russian!


If you're not a slav already it's going to be more difficult for you. You can always start by pirating some books and downloading an anki deck or two. Other than that, if you have money you can just enroll to a language school like some anon said above.
Here's a book I like: The New Penguin Russian Course - A Complete Course for Beginners


Same here. I want to learn Chinese, but there are no time.

Also, if any one have a free matrial to learn chinese, Could you share it with me ^_^


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So many verb conjugations, so little time.

I used the (paid) Memrise app to get myself started. Do not follow my example.


I'm trying to learn Russian myself during my spare time.
I can tell you right now that it's way deeper than I had initially anticipated.

Anyway, learning the Cyrillic alphabet is easy, start here until you can read without looking up.
Next I did was counting, and basic words, just like you did as a toddler.
Add all of these to your anki decks and practice daily.

I also downloaded some PDFs off of 4chan's /t/. The Troika Russian book is really good, and even more so if you can get a hold of the audio.
As what the other anons have said, continue on to Russian websites and media.

If you can find a native speaker to practice you, then the better.


Go look on b-ok, you'll find something


Obliviously, you should start with learning the alphabet & basic phonetics. This will hurt your brain, because some Cyrillic letters look exactly like the Latin ones, but sound COMPLETELY different, i.e.: Latin P ("pi") vs. Cyrillic Р ("r"), B vs. В, X vs. Х etc…

And there's a set of kinda same-looking, but in fact completely different letters, i.e.: И and Й, Ц and Щ and other pairs.

The phonetics itself is tricky, too, so prepare to spend hella time on learning the difference between Ч, Х, Ш, Щ sounds.

So begin with that, install the Anki software, and learn the alphabet and its basic sounds. Don't forget to learn the right pronunciation of the each sound, this is highly important. Find a native speaker and ask him/her to correct your mistakes. If it's not possible, then consider to use or similar source.

You should complete this step by one or two months. After that you should realize if it's worth it or not. But the biggest journey just begins here…


BTW, now it is "learning foreign languages" thread. I'm slowly learning Japanese, I've mastered hiragana, moved on to katakana, and kinda lost my motivation there. I'm about to make another try, though.


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Russian Boards - for example.
Skype and russian chikas!


I like how the first board in the Hobbies Section is about alcohol.

Native Speakers aren't helpful at all when learning a language. No one can really explain the rules of e.g. verb conjugations when they just use them naturally, especially in a second language. Get a book or find a course and do that.


> lost my motivation there
well, that's unfortunate for you. exactly as you have just said about russian, that's just the tip of the iceberg, the vocabulary will take hundreds of hours, and kanji would even more. 頑張れお兄ちゃん#тысправишься


>Native Speakers aren't helpful at all when learning a language
Wrong. Native speakers barely can explain the grammar rules, that is correct. As you mentioned, they don't learn them, they use them.

But speaking with the natives is very good for some other things, like mastering phonetics and pronunciation.

Take a little example: it is more naturally for a Russian native to pronounce a word "конечно" as "конеШно"; but "конечная остановка" is NEVER "конеШная остановка", right? Is there any rule for that? Hell no!

There are dozens of confusing irregular cases like this one. And it is a pain in the ass to lurk them by yourself. Asking a native is way more practical.

Thank you! I know. I should add this goal to my New Year's resolution. Hope that'll help!


>Is there any rule for that?
Нет, только потакание лени точного произношения и постепенное ч->щ->ш. Или, написание "подравняли" позже под какие-то правила, тут только историк скажет.
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