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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

File: 1494399195174.png (21.31 KB, 444x444, fira-code.png)


While I enjoy using
Roboto Mono
as a general purpose monospace typeface, while coding I much prefer to use
Fira Code
. I don't use it for its added ligatures though; I turn those off. I use it because it has additional weights not present in Mozilla's official
Fira Mono
font. I personally use the 'light' weight in my editor.

Mozilla really did an incredible job creating a type with such elegant form and effective function. The 'i' and 'j' and 'l' are even more distinct than some fonts explicitly designed only for use by programmers while still having character and charm. I would suggest you take a look at it if it isn't already familiar.

What font does lain use for programming?


Any new bitmap fonts out there that are the best new thing ?
I've been using tewi for a while.


File: 1494400474248.png (42.69 KB, 2000x1468, hack-specimen-2.png)

Lain used to use Hack, now uses Fira Code w/ ligatures. There is something really refreshing about them and it definitely helps with clarity and focus (especially ===, => and =<).


I'm a pleb and I like Inconsolata.


I've been using Operator Mono. Expensive but easy to pirate.


File: 1494432621217.png (44.74 KB, 644x440, BlueSky DonaldKnuth Andrey….png)

I will never not love CMU Typewriter.


File: 1498427775649.png (149.32 KB, 1047x1045, 225548_10471045.png)

As far as I can tell both vim and emacs dont have great support for ligatures.
I'm a fan of Iosevka lately, its a bit different than a lot of fonts and some of the default characters arent great (@ for example) but it has a nice build system (that I couldnt figure out because my nodejs setup is broken) which lets you customise what glyphs you want easily.


Whatever's the default in xterm. I haven't learnt how to change the font yet.

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