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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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Whats your preferred IDE?
inb4 emacs







Unix, with vi as my text editor.


Apparently no on knows the difference between an editor and an IDE.


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IntelliJ IDEA


to explain for my less verbose peers, the popular *nix editors are very highly extensible, and though nominally text editors have they ability to be used as highly configurable modular IDE.

essentially, vim isnt nano. its also not ed, or notepad. and when used well in unix, IDE's are somewhat redundant for most purposes.


IDE -> Integrated Development Environment
Unix was designed as an IDE from the start.
When I install a fresh OpenBSD image and unpack the base set vi(nvi in this case) is integrated into that set along with the compiler, linker, debugger, etc. By any stretch of the definition OpenBSD is an IDE. Certainly you could combine those programs into a single bloated binary if you prefer but there is really no need.


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None of this is anything new. But of course y'all knew that. What was the name of that book again? (see pic).
I think the reason people seem to feel the need to say this all explicitly is because IDEs have been largely associated with the GUI paradigm that's dominating the field.
Here's a nice series of articles to better use the IDE
I think the best part of Unix as an IDE is that it goes way beyond the scope of just compiling and debugging; it has tools of binary analysis,operations on text data…


Honestly, now days Visual Studio Code.


You inspect your binaries for the telemetry VS injects into them right?


Hmm? I build with GCC or Clang on Unix based systems(i.e. using my distress compiler).



Aww yiss


I would love to program efficiently with Emacs/Spacemacs for Android, Java, Symfony and Angular project but for now it can't compete with the ease of use and integration of dedicated IDE, and I'm not fluent enough in (e)lisp wizardry to edit and extend existing modes to my liking.


vim for fun, vscode for work




Xilinx Vivado 2016 and Intel Quartus Pro II 17.1
They both suck immense dicks, as all VLSI development tools.


vim & sublime


same here to be honest, I fiddled around with NeoVim / Sublime as an IDE/Editor but VSCode was easiest / most flexible imo


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I have never used a text editor other than gedit

How do I decide between Vim or Emacs?
I've tried emacs before but found it was just way too much thrown at me all at once.

I want a text editor I can bury myself with but is easy to use? I want my text editor to be my OS!



Emacs is more powerful but it is more intimidating. It's very easy to extend once you learn Lisp.

Vim is okay, but difficult extend, you'll rely on others to have the extensions you want. Vimscript is lame.

If you have no prior knowledge on both, go for emacs.


> I want my text editor to be my OS!
You want emacs then.


I'm a lua guy. ZeroBrane it is.




>I want my text editor to be my OS!
Emacs would be the way then.
Don't get intimidated by the size of Emacs, just start using it, and learn how to do things you need along the way.
Take baby steps and eventually you'll be competent enough in Emacs that you will not want to use anything else (and of course, compare Emacs to anything like code::blocks sublime or atom and you'll see a clear advantage)


Vim + Command line operations for small tasks.
I've been using Intellij recently because I want some editing tools.
I tried to use Emacs with Cider, but EVIL mode didn't interact well with it.


cwm with urxvt, feh, gvim, mupdf, tmux, links (and firefox because fuck life), and of course git, awk, sed etc.


Webstorm. Why?


code::blocks and vim are fine.


I have just started using spacemacs and I'm liking it.


IntelliJ IDEA as an all-in-one, vim for scripting languages (because Jetbrains' autocomplete system tends to soykaf the bed when dealing with them once you hit a certain project size)

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