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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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Just finished first semester of CS, my country doesn't seem to get it's soykaf together so I'lll have like 3 months off. What project could I start? I wanted to know more about backend web developing, as I found out that frontend is tedious af, but I don't really know where to start. Besides that, what does Lain think I should do? I'm really not that great at having ideas.


Since you gave no info on your personal interests, I'll just spout some ideas here:
- Lisp REPL:
- CLI note taking tool
- RPN calculator
- Simple BBS
- Personal website
- IRC bot
These are just from the top of my head. Of course, if you want to do only web stuff, you're pretty much stuck with several languages and frameworks for them.


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That build your own Lisp thing looks cool, holy soykaf, but dunno, I was interested in web dev because I want to be able to make money as soon as possible. The thing with web stuff is that there's tons of tools and I have no idea how to choose the right ones.
Thank you anyway, if I can't decide by the end of the week I'll probably start that Lisp proyect.


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Look at job listings and try to figure out what employers around you are looking for. First I would try to get a taste of each popular technology, maybe implement the same small project in each (todo-list, blog, image gallery, etc.). Be sure to include "enterprise" solutions for both Java (like JavaEE or Spring) and Microsoft (like ASP.NET MVC). After this choose one that you like, and you can get deeper by doing more projects, reading books and such.


what happened?

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