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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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I have several ideas for some cool browser extensions/addons that could make a radical difference in how people interact on the web, so much so that I'm ready to dedicate the rest of my life to realize this one idea, I think it could create a new Internet golden age.

at this point, I have only knowledge of HTML/CSS and recently started learning python.
Ultimately what I want to make is a fork of Firefox with all the extensions I've imagined built-in. some of which would make some pretty fundamental changes to the basics of the browser itself.

Can I get a road map of what to learn to so that I can make this? like what programming languages? but also anything else that might be useful.

I imagine that if I where to publish my ideas that almost immediacy there'd be people who would develop it. but I want to make sure that it will be open source and also released with all the features fully ready at the same time at launch, otherwise id fear of simply having ideas ripped off and poorly implemented in other browsers, or worse yet in an incomplete form, even tho each idea fairly different, they all come together to create the full experience. if the browser can be released in its full form from the beginning though, I believe it would have the greatest chance of wide adoption.

for the above reasons, I want to start out by making it alone and only after the visions fairly concrete invite others on board to help build it.

so again what should I learn? Thank you Alice.


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wanna give a rundown on what the extensions would be?


>Ultimately what I want to make is a fork of Firefox with all the extensions I've imagined built-in. some of which would make some pretty fundamental changes to the basics of the browser itself.

It doesn't sound like extensions are what you're looking for. What they're capable of is very limited in scope.


This is the closest thing to what you want.
As you can see, it's long dead.

>I imagine that if I where to publish my ideas that almost immediacy there'd be people who would develop it

You lack self-awareness.


Check out the Qutebrowser code base. They make use of Python.

>I imagine that if I where to publish my ideas that almost immediacy there'd be people who would develop it

Lol, so full of yourself. Your ideas are soykaf, I guarantee it.

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