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Password (For file deletion.)

Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

File: 1533247668884.png (1.01 MB, 1702x2471, 1530328878498.png)


I'm not really into security but i need to crack a wpa2
But i can't find a good wordlist in my native lenguage.
I have some ideas to make my oun but i can't find a tutorial or a book that helps me.
I feel confortable whith C# and java.
Any suggestions?


can't you just get some sample texts, filter punctuation and standardize capitalization, and then basically have your list?


You could try scraping Wiktionary or extract it from a spell-checker program.


>crack a wpa2
don't. unless you have a very good wordlist or you really know how people in your region generate their password it is pointless (bruteforce is pointless unless the target range is pretty small or you have a super computer). most people even use random generated default router passwords, which is a no go. use alternative attack methods that target wps instead (e.g. pixie dust).


>you really know how people in your region generate their password
Well, at least i think i know.


then learn how2hashcat. your problem is not directly related to wpa2 but actually hash cracking in general. learn stuff like how to write rules for word generation etc.

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