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/Δ/ - diy/projects

make it. create it. do-it-yourself. hardware, software, and community projects.

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

File: 1492751479107.jpg (61.29 KB, 798x798, 17796237_1829070647357379_….jpg)




>Read more about my Ongoing Project!
You didn't post in the appropriate board. You didn't enter a title. You didn't add any details about your project. By all means I should delete your post, but I'll give you a second chance. Respond with a title and description and I'll update your post. Otherwise it's gone. Thanks.


I posted this on the project page because it is a project… That seems pretty self explanatory - move it to /cult/ if you want, that is one of it's working titles. ||| is the title of the ongoing project. If you want to flag my post I will recreate it elsewhere. The project has no real dedicated base at the moment so if you can't get what you're looking for from these links is suggest finding a copy of LainZine 4 as a few pages of this Graphic Series is featured there!

It is somewhat influenced by cyberpunk ethos and since there is conveniently no /cyber/ around here I'm using the /DIY/ board.


>I posted this on the project page because it is a project…
No, I moved it here.

>||| is the title of the ongoing project.

I was hoping you would also provide a description. You never even mentioned that it is a graphic novel.

>It is somewhat influenced by cyberpunk ethos and since there is conveniently no /cyber/ around here I'm using the /DIY/ board.

We actually do have a secret /cyb/ board. ^_~


Well I don't see how it doesn't fit on /DIY/. I dot really care if it stays here or moves to /cult/ I'll repost it on cult at some other time that is the purpose of the board. If you want to quote me on what I say it is it is not a graphic novel because that is too restrictive of a descriptor. Call it a Graphic Series if you like it is eventually just an artwork and compilation of things I have created. It includes music , moving picture and elements from the real world so calling it any one thing is going to be detrimental to it's progress.


*I don't really care where you put it… Part of it's purpose is to remain ahead of whatever titles people associate with it.


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Okay I understand, being that this thread needs some substantial purpose ~ here is the weapon prototype that I am working on as a part of this. It is tentatively named the Protoscythe® as a part of another project. I've been building this for a few years so I've put a fair amount of time and effort into it…


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File: 1492856641282.png (Spoiler Image, 922.35 KB, 1000x800, |||poster.png)

I'm not posting too much of this until I've got some things like a publisher organized - any suggestions would be appreciated…



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